Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Analysis Of The Book The Yellow Wallpaper - 877 Words

The narrator is given a sense of oppression from the beginning of the story by keeping a hidden diary from her husband as â€Å"a relief to her mind.† Throughout the story her true thoughts are hidden from the readers and her husband, which gives the story a symbolic perspective. The narrator of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is a paradox: as she loses touch with the outer world, she comes to a greater understanding of the inner reality of her life. This inner/outer split is crucial to understanding the nature of the narrator’s suffering. At every point, she is faced with relationships, objects, and situations that seem innocent and natural but that are actually quite bizarre and even oppressive. In a sense, the plot of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is the narrator’s attempt to avoid acknowledging the extent to which her external situation stifles her inner impulses. From the beginning, we see that the narrator is an imaginative, highly expressive woman. She remembers terrifying herself with imaginary nighttime monsters as a child, and she enjoys the notion that the house they have taken is haunted. Yet as part of her â€Å"cure,† her husband forbids her to exercise her imagination in any way. Both her reason and her emotions reb el at this treatment, and she turns her imagination onto seemingly neutral objects—the house and the wallpaper—in an attempt to ignore her growing frustration. Her negative feelings color her description of her surroundings, making them seem uncanny and sinister, and sheShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The Yellow Wallpaper 1363 Words   |  6 PagesIn the story, â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, the narrator’s husband has rented an old mansion in the country for the summer. John is relying on this getaway as time for his wife’s nervous condition to resolve itself with rest and medicines. As the story unfolds for the readers, it becomes apparent her husband, John, is monitoring her 24 hours a day. She feels somewhat condemned that she is unable to change her circumstances and she ends up as a victim, thus confirming the dominance of men over womenRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Yellow Wallpaper 1367 Words   |  6 PagesIIn the story, †Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, the narrator’s husband has rented an old mansion in the country for the summer. John is relying on this vacation as the time for his wife’s nervous condition to resolve itself with rest and medicines. As the story unfolds for the readers, it becomes apparent her husband, John, is monitoring her 24 hours a day. She feels somewhat condemned that she is unable to change her circumstances and she ends up as a victim, thus confirming the dominance of men overRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Yellow Wallpaper 984 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is a story that I feel could be interpreted in many different ways. It is narrated by an unnamed woman who says she suffers from nervous depression. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Minority Research Paper Free Essays

Description of the Market Market specifics need to be carefully analyzed and marketers should become familiar with the data for each. In order to market a brand or specific goods/services, marketers should be sensitive to each group and shouldn’t be afraid to tap into each market. Below is information on the three largest minority groups in the United States and what each one prefers. We will write a custom essay sample on Minority Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now African Americans †¢The total numbers in the US is 42 million (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢African Americans make up 13. 6% of the total US population (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The rate of growth for this minority group from 2000 to 2010 was 15. % (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The average household size is 2. 7 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The average age for African Americans is 32. 1 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The percentage of African Americans 25 and older that hold a bachelors degree or higher is 18% (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The median income per year was $32,068 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢More than half of the African-American population (55%) live in the Southern states. Texas, Florida, and Georgia have a population of about 3 million, while New York still has the highest with 3. 4 million (â€Å"Black Demographics†). Metro areas with the largest African American population with 1 million or more are: †¢New York, NY †¢Atlanta, GA †¢Chicago, IL †¢Washington, MD-VA †¢Philadelphia, PA †¢Los Angeles – Long Beach, CA †¢Miami – Fort Lauderdale, FL †¢Houston, TX †¢The brands that have a higher than average purchase rate among African Americans are Procter Gamble, L’Oreal, Yoplait, General Motors, Oreos, Slim Fast, Tide, Campbell’s, Ragu, Lexus, Pampers, Jell-O, and Levi’s (Sampey). †¢Specific products that have above average usage for this group are basic food ingredients, beverages, personal care items, and beauty care. The best media to use in order to target this group is television because African Americans watch more TV than any other minority group. The next best would be the Internet and the radio. Asian Americans †¢The total numbers in the US is 17. 3 million (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). â⠂¬ ¢Asian Americans make up 5. 6 percent of the total US population (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The rate of growth for this minority group from 2000 to 2010 was 46% (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The average household size is 3. 53 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The average age for Asian Americans is 34 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). The percentage of Asian Americans 25 and older that hold a bachelors degree or higher is 50% (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). That is higher than any group in the United States. †¢The median income per year was $67,022 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢About three-quarters of the Asian American population live in metropolitan areas such as the San Francisco Bay Area, New York metropolitan area, and the Greater Los Angeles Area (Beckwith). They make up for 1-2 million people in each place. They are mainly concentrated in five states, which a re: †¢California †¢New York †¢Texas Illinois †¢Hawaii †¢A few brands that have a higher than average purchase rate among Asian Americans are Toyota, Honda, Coca-Cola, IBM, Head Shoulders, and Tylenol (Lindorff). Wealthy Asian Americans tend to buy luxury brands, such as Chanel, Rolex, Loius Vuitton, Armani, and Nordstrom (Lesonsky). †¢Specific products that have above average usage for this group are furniture, footwear, clothing, food, and vehicles. †¢ The best media to use in order to target this group is the Internet and newspapers, as well as direct mail printed in their language. Hispanic Americans The total numbers in the US is 52 million (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢Hispanic Americans make up 16. 7 percent of the total US population (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The rate of growth for this minority group from 2000 to 2010 was 43% (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The average hou sehold size is 4 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). This is most likely due to a high fertility rate among this group. †¢The median age for Hispanic Americans is 27 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†).. †¢The percentage of Hispanic Americans 25 and older that hold a bachelors degree or higher is 13% (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). That is the lowest amongst the three groups. †¢The median income per year was $37,759 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢Hispanic Americans are concentrated in the South and the West geographically. About 50% of the population lives in California, Texas, and Florida. California has the highest than any other state, which is 14 million (â€Å"infoplease†). †¢Examples of brands that have a higher than average purchase rate among Hispanic Americans are Corona, Sunsilk, OPI, Ouidad, and Goya (Genuario). †¢Specific products that have above average usage for this group are small appliances, footwear, furniture, and food. The best media to use in order to target this group is through Spanish television networks and printed media. BUSINESS POTENTIAL African American: The African-American community is a very important market because of their great spending trends and buying power. Their buying power is estimated to reach $1. 1 trillion in a few years (â €Å"Multi-ethnic Demographics†). This ethnic group consists of 43 million individuals and marketers should be worried if they haven’t tapped into this ever-growing market (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). African-Americans are one of the most brand loyal customers and make trips to the store more than any other group. If a national marketer were to get the attention of this ethnic group, the brand they would be promoting would grow, since African Americans stick to their brands. A new middle class has emerged for this group, thanks to more educational opportunities that result in higher incomes. This growing middle class is very fashion, brand, and price conscious and goes shopping for pleasure and social fun. This alone should encourage more marketers to pursue this minority group and give ideas on how to market specifically to this group. Asian American: The Asian American population is growing faster than the total population due to immigration. It’s growing even faster than the Hispanic group and is the fastest growing ethnic group in the US (â€Å"Multi-Ethnic Demographics†). The overall business potential for this minority group is very high because Asian Americans are more likely to be rich than any other minority consumer. That is because they are better educated, even more so than the average American. They are in a lot of top-level jobs and have high specialties. Their buying power is very high and continues to grow. Currently, they spend more than $500 billion annually and their buying power is projected to reach up to $697 billion by the year 2014 (Lasonsky). Much of the valuable market segment is still underestimated and overlooked. That’s why it is important to dig in to this market and develop a great marketing strategy. This group spends more on education, housing, and food than the average US household. As a marketer, there is a good start already by knowing what the consumer wants. A lot of brands have an attitude that asks why they should target this market if they’re already buying the product. Well, it’s important because there is a huge opportunity to build long-lasting relationships and customer loyalty. Asian Americans are consumers that like to educate themselves about prices and products before they dive in and buy something. So, if you would like to catch this market’s attention, make sure you emphasize great deals and focus on product quality. Hispanic American: The Hispanic American market is a very important part of the US economy. This group is growing quite rapidly and marketers should be aware of all of the data. By 2015, the buying power for Hispanics is expected to reach $1. trillion (â€Å"Multi-ethnic Demographics†). In the last few years, the increase in income and population has given marketers new opportunities. This allows them to come up with a whole new marketing plan to serve the Hispanic American’s needs. This market should be approached as a long-term investment. Since the median age for Hispanic Americans is 27, we can see that this ethnic group is younger than the others (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). This gives marketers a chance to succeed in using geographic, demographic, and psychographic segmentation. By using this information, marketers can position themselves favorably and gain market share. Since many Hispanic Americans speak both English and Spanish, this gives marketers a chance to develop marketing synergies. Marketers should also make sure their general market message reflects the Hispanic culture because if a consumer feels that the brand does not care about them, their message would be ineffective. In order to reach Hispanic Americans through marketing, make sure you know their backgrounds, give them a feeling of ‘home,’ and most importantly build relationships. Bibliography â€Å"Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month: May 2012. † United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau, 05 Sept 2012. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Beckwith , Ryan. â€Å"Asian-Americans Don’t Live in Swing States. † Congress. org. Congress. org, 03 May 2012. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . â€Å"Black (African-American) History Month: February 2012. † United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau, 05 Sept 2012. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Black Demographics. com. Black Demographiics, 2010. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Genuario, Leah. â€Å"The U. S. Hispanic Beauty Market. † . Picard Holdings LLC, 2011. Web. 9 Sep 2012. . â€Å"Hispanic Americans By the Numbers. † infoplease. Pearson Education, 2012. Web. 8 Sep 2012. . â€Å"Hispanic Heritage Month 2012: Sept. 15 — Oct. 15. † United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau, 05 Sept 2012. Web. 6 Sep 2012. . Lesonsky, Rieva. â€Å"Small Business: Tap Into the Affluent Asian American Market. † Small Business Trends. Small Business Trends LLC, 13 June 2012. Web. 8 Sep 2012. Lindorff, David. â€Å"Marketers slowly begin to tap into U. S. ‘s rich Asian consumers. † . Media Life, n. d. Web. 8 Sep 2012. Sampey, Kathleen. â€Å"African-Americans Show More ‘Love’ to Brands Than Caucasians. † Yahoo Finance. Yahoo. com, 15 Aug 2012. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Bibliography (cont’d) â€Å"Study: African Americans love them some brands. † Electronic Urban Report. EurPublisher, 07 Aug 2012. Web. 6 Sep 2012. . Westlund, Richard. â€Å"Marketing to Hispanics 2010. † Finding the Gold in Hispanic Marketing. Adweek, 27 April 2011. Web. 9 Sep 2012. . â€Å"2010 Census Shows America’s Diversity. † Multi-ethnic Demographics. National Association for Multi-Ethnicity in Communications, 2012. Web. 9 Sep 2012. How to cite Minority Research Paper, Essays

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Operations Of The Company Westpac Operates â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Operations Of The Company Westpac Operates? Answer: Introduction The current report elucidates in detail the audit planning with special orientation to the operations of the firm Westpac. The current segment analyses the industry that is the banking industry in which the company Westpac operates and evaluates the operations of company. This study conducts an industry analysis and company analysis and audit planning of the firm. Thereafter, the study also detects the risks that might be faced by the company and carries out an analytical procedure. Acceptance of the client and Planning of Audit The current report illustratively elucidates the sequential procedures for planning for carrying out audit of the firm. The present segment explains the successive steps that can be adopted for undertaking the planning of audit in the company Westpac. Audit planning thereby involves the following steps: Discussions with the client Review of documentation of audit of Westpac Analysis of financial assertions of the company Westpac Analysis of interim pecuniary assertions of the company Westpac Identification and consultation with diverse non-audit personnel of specifically the accounting corporation (Arens et al., 2012). Staffing required for the purpose of audit of the firm Westpac Timing of different procedures of audit (Eilifsen et al., 2013). Outside help essentially needs to be determined counting the utilization of a particular specialist as necessary and determination of the nature and extent of involvement of the internal assessors of the specific client (William Jr et al., 2016). Pronouncements on different accounting principles as well as audit guidelines that need to be read and assessed (Louwers et al., 2015). This can help in the process of development of specifically complete audit programs aptly fitting the exclusive requirements of the business of the client as well as industry (Simnett et al., 2016). Scheduling with the client is required to coordinate actions. For example, schedule prepared by client necessarily need to be ready at the time when the assessor is anticipated to assess them (Arens et al., 2016). The client has the need to be informed regarding the dates at which they can be prohibited from accessing bank safe deposits in order to make certain that the integrity of different counts of security that is specifically held at banks (Arens et al., 2016). Analysis of the business of the client Westpac Banking Corporation is the presently the client of the accounting firm NY. Westpac Banking Corporation also referred to as Westpac is essentially one of the big four Australian banks as well as financial service provider that is headquartered in Sydney. Westpac operates through four different core business divisions that include Consumer Bank, Business as well as Commercial Bank, Westpac Institutional Bank along with Westpac New Zealand as well as the BT Financial Group. Essentially, consumer bank is accounting for necessarily sales as well as service of approximately 9 million consumers across the nation Australia and aids them in the regular banking needs of the consumers. Again, business bank division is accountable for both sales as well as service of diverse small along with medium sized enterprises, different commercial along with the agribusinesses in Australia together with the asset and tools/instruments finance and functions under the corporation Westpac. Particular ly, BT Financial Group is essentially the wealth management division of the corporation Westpac Group that subsequent to the merger with the business entity St. George Bank Limited also takes into account the wealth division of the firm St. George. Furthermore, the Westpac Institutional Bank also offers a wide range of financial services to different commercial, corporate, institutional as well as government clientele. Analysis of the banking industry The financial results of the majority of the Australian banks emphasizes the fact that the growth in earnings of the companies are slowing down, representing the influence of enhanced regulatory needs and a downcast domestic economy. However, specific margins have continuously decreased across diverse majors in spite of asset re-pricing and enhanced financing from different customer deposits, stressing all the difficulties of the present low rate of interest as well as deposits of customers. The economic outlook in this case remains difficult and the majors continue to stress on the capital efficacy, overall productivity and added refinement of different business models. Unceasingly challenging conditions of market, increasing regulatory capital, enhancing loan impairments as well as margin compression exert downward pressure on the returns of the industry (Arens et al., 2016). Jointly, the majors operating in the banking industry of Australia declared a cash profit enumerated after tax of approximately $29.6 billion during the financial year 2016 that is necessarily down by around 2.5% recorded during 2015. The decrease in earnings mainly owes to decrease in net margin of interest, flatter non interest earning, increase in loan impairment alterations and greater cost of operations. In particular, these facets are also apparent from the decrease in the specific statutory net gains from continued operations of approximately $2.6 billion to nearly $28.8 billion. The challenging outlook for different majors is essentially set to continuously driven by poor growth in revenue, erosion of margin, enhanced charges of impairment, greater downward pressure on particularly return on equity as well as earnings per share. Consequently, the ability of the majors to detect cost eliminate chances that can be realised specifically in the short and medium terms without compromising with the prospects of the growth of the revenue. Analysis of the business risk of the client Analysis of the operations of the business Westpac Banking helps in understanding the exposure to diverse business risks. Varying nature as well as scope of business operations also poses business risks. Essentially, Westpac has a diverse mix of specific financial market trading business to particularly St. George along with the important operations in institutional banking, underwriting along with general insurance all of these expose the shareholders of the firm St. George to diverse risks than normally they are exposed to (Westpac - Personal, Business and Corporate Banking, 2017). In essence, St, George has no exposure to the market of New Zealand. In essentially, Westpac generates around 15% to 20% of the profit enumerated after tax from the business operations of the company in New Zealand (Westpac - Personal, Business and Corporate Banking, 2017). However, St. George has not got any kind of exposure to the market of New Zealand. In this case, it can be mentioned that the nation New Zealand is encountering slowdown in terms of growth of economy due to the outcome of the slowdown of the housing market, drought, higher rate of interest and increasing inflation that have eroded the overall consumer as well as business confidence (Westpac - Personal, Business and Corporate Banking, 2017). Essentially, these kinds of conditions can probably lead to low earnings and enhanced bad debts from specifically New Zealand wing of Westpac. Again, large bad debts also pose business risks to the operations of Westpac. In particular, Westpac also declared that it does not have the identical level of exposure to the specific kinds of loans that have compelled both NAB as well as ANZ to declare enhancement in the overall provisions as well as write downs for the period ending on Sept 2008 (Westpac - Personal, Business and Corporate Banking, 2017). The company also have small collateralised obligations of debt, however, management of the firm has publicly declared that this specific portfolio has witnessed no significant measurable influence on earnings. Nevertheless, all banking corporations are essentially exposed to different degrees of rising level of bad debt and this firm Westpac also have exposure to the weak commercial property as well as marketing of New Zealand (Westpac - Personal, Business and Corporate Banking, 2017). Contrarily,rating organization Standard Poors also substantiated the AA rating of Westpac after analysis of the probable credit loss during the short to the medium period of time. The company Westpac also faces business risk in the making huge investments for the process of reviewing the legacy information system. Essentially, this might possibly add to the overall level of complexity and risk to the procedure of assimilation (Westpac - Personal, Business and Corporate Banking, 2017). In addition to this, association with the third parties of the corporation that is within RAMS businesses as well as BTIM (by means of license contracts) generate added risks since poor level of performance or else termination of specific agreements of franchise might influence the revenue adversely and cause damage to the brand. The corporation Westpac also faces contingent liability risk. This is because the corporation Westpac is engaged in a number of actual or else potential claims as well as proceedings in diverse ordinary processes of business (counting tax liabilities) that are not determined and for that no specific provision is there in the balance sheet (Westpac - Personal, Business and Corporate Banking, 2017). There are also certain unavoidable business risks faced by the firm Westpac. Westpac is necessarily subject to specific disclosure requirements of particularly ASX and compliance with the requirements poses risk to the business. Additionally, the assimilation of the system of information technology of both St. George and the company Westpac is also considered to be very intricate and risky and require considerable investment of both time as well as resources (Westpac - Personal, Business and Corporate Banking, 2017). Considerable amount of risk also remains in using two brand strategies that is essentially being attempted on a scale that is much larger than what is has been in other dealing. Performing analytical procedures Analytical processes can be considered to be one of financial audit procedures that assist the assessors to comprehend the business and alterations in the business of the firm Westpac. Essentially, this helps in the processes of identification of prospective risk areas to plan other procedures of audit in combination with other processes of audit testing with respect to specific financial declarations (Cohen Simnett, 2014). Auditors might undertake analytical procedures for Westpac at three different phases that is at the beginning, in the middle as well as at the end of the process of audit. This process also includes application of financial ratio for assessment of financial information with respect to prior period. Liquidity Ratio Current Ratio 2015 2016 Current Assets 791254 817144 Current Liabilities 758241 781012 Quick Ratio Cash and cash equivalents 14770 17015 Current Liabilities 758241 781012 Solvency Ratio Debt to Equity Ratio Debt 3908 4326 Equity 53098 58120 Equity Ratio Total Equity 53098 58120 Total Assets 812156 839202 Profitability Ratio Gross Margin Ratio Net Income 10341 10232 Net Sales 10644 11049 Return on Assets Net Income 10341 10232 Average Total Assets 812156 839202 Analysis of the financial assertions reveals that both the current ratio as well as quick ratio increased although by a very significant degree. This reveals that the liquidity condition of the firm remained constant during the time period. Debt to equity ratio indicating the solvency has increased although insignificantly. This reflects an unfavourable condition for the firm as debt has increased in comparison to equity over the two year period. However, equity ratio has improved reflecting desirable financial condition. Again, profitability has declined indicating undesirable financial health of the firm. Therefore, it can be said that audit test can help in analysing and detecting the issues that are affecting the financial health of the firm (Westpac - Personal, Business and Corporate Banking, 2017). Conclusion The above mentioned study helps in understanding different steps involved in audit planning of the client company that is that of the Westpac. The study also analyzes financial results of the majority of the Australian banks and helps in gaining insight regarding the overall banking industry. The present segment also helps in gaining insight regarding the risks that the company encounters and thereafter carries out analytical procedure for audit. References Arens, A. A., Best, P., Shailer, G., Fiedler, B., Elder, R. J., Beasley, M. (2016).Auditing and assurance services in Australia: an integrated approach. Pearson Education Australia. Arens, A. A., Elder, R. J., Beasley, M. S. (2016).Auditing and assurance services: An integrated approach. Prentice Hall. Arens, A. A., Elder, R. J., Mark, B. (2012). Auditing and assurance services: an integrated approach. Boston: Prentice Hall. Arens, A. A., Elder, R. J., Beasley, M. S., Jenkins, G. J. (2016).Essentials of Auditing and Assurance Services: An Integrated Approach. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Cohen, J. R., Simnett, R. (2014). CSR and assurance services: A research agenda.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,34(1), 59-74. Eilifsen, A., Messier, W. F., Glover, S. M., Prawitt, D. F. (2013).Auditing and assurance services. McGraw-Hill. Louwers, T. J., Ramsay, R. J., Sinason, D. H., Strawser, J. R., Thibodeau, J. C. (2015).Auditing assurance services. McGraw-Hill Education. Simnett, R., Carson, E., Vanstraelen, A. (2016). International Archival Auditing and Assurance Research: Trends, Management Issues, and Opportunities.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,35(3), 1-32. Westpac - Personal, Business and Corporate Banking. (2017).Westpac.com.au. Retrieved 11 September 2017, from https://www.westpac.com.au William Jr, M., Glover, S., Prawitt, D. (2016).Auditing and assurance services: A systematic approach. McGraw-Hill Education.